Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Wellness Coaching Session #8

If you follow me on YouTube, you can see my new video! I'm offering a series of Wellness Coaching sessions to help you reach your goals. Now, you can see how Wellness Coaching might be able to help you - for free!

This week we talked about your Wellness Vision and putting your words into action. You can find the 10 Questions I described in the video here.

Next week, we'll be talking about taking steps to complete your first goal! See you then!

Have a great week!

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Wellness Coaching Session #7

If you follow me on YouTube, you can see my new video! I'm offering a series of Wellness Coaching sessions to help you reach your goals. Now, you can see how Wellness Coaching might be able to help you - for free!

This week we talked about the habit-forming exercise from last week's video. What are the three new habits you decided to create?

We also talked about how you can create your own personal wellness vision! You can find more information about creating your wellness vision here!

Next week, we'll be bringing your wellness vision to life by putting your words into action! See you then!

Have a great week!

Monday, November 16, 2015

Halfway Update: Jamie Eason's LiveFit Trainer

Today marks my halfway point doing Jamie Eason’s LiveFit Trainer workout, so I thought I’d give another update. You can read about my thoughts on Phase 1 here. 

I’ve only been in Phase 2 of the program for two weeks. I have to say that it’s quite a bit more challenging than Phase 1 – but I was ready for it! I think my least favorite part is that 30 minutes of cardio is required four times a week. I’m much fonder of the quick HIIT workouts or just super-setting while I lift to get in my cardio. But, I’ve decided to forgo the treadmill for the most part and turned to biking instead. I’m already walking at least three miles per day, plus I stand a good portion of the day at work to get in my NEAT time.

Otherwise, I’m enjoying the lifting workouts. They are well-organized and challenging in themselves, plus it’s very challenging to get used to lifting six days a week. YIKES! I’m used to a bit more rest and it shows, unfortunately. During workout #39, my back popped while I was doing jackknife sit-ups (ahh…the joys of middle-age!). I managed to get through workout #40 since that was focused on shoulders and cardio. But, I skipped the #41 leg workout, so I could get two rest days in a row. I’m SO happy I did this because I’m feeling about 95% today and I’m ready to get back in the gym for my next workout.

I thought about going back and picking up at the leg workout rather than sticking to my regular schedule. But, I’ll be back to the leg workout tomorrow again since it’s twice per week. Save my knees and back a bit for another day.

Like I said, as far as the workout goes, I’m still happy with it and I want to finish it now that I’ve made it this far. I definitely feel stronger! And, I feel like I’m more concentrated on my workouts as I’m doing them than I am when I write my own workout program. But, I was derailed a bit when I weighed in on Friday and realized I’d gained back the three pounds I lost during the first four weeks and then some. I wasn’t expecting it because I’ve made nutrition modifications over the past six weeks that were improved from the summer months. Namely:

  • Tracked food and stuck to macros more consistently (I needed more protein!)
  • Reduced average alcohol intake by half (I had a very stressful summer, which contributed to my red wine intake...)
  • Reduced average calorie intake from 1800 to 1600 per day
  • Increased activity with this workout plan, plus I changed my desk at work so I could stand all day instead of sitting!
So, you can see why I’m disappointed! That said, I’ve been at this weight loss thing for a long time. I haven’t been “perfect” over the last six weeks. There’s more cleaning up I can do with my diet. Looking over my macro intake, I need to cut out a little bit of fat and I can afford a bit more carbs and protein. And, I’m sad to say, there’s more room to cut the red wine and increase my water intake! I’m also going to look at my daily caloric intake and make sure I’m getting it right. As backwards as it sounds it could be that I’m not eating enough. If anything, I’ll increase my protein intake here to experiment with eating more calories.

Most importantly, I think I just need to keep at it and continue to be consistent. I’m thankful that I’ve been tracking my calorie/macro intake and expenditure so carefully because that information is going to help me experiment with adjustments. I’ve also been tracking what’s going on in my life each day, so I can see if there are patterns that I can adjust. It’s a testament to tracking! I know it’s a complete pain to do it, but it’s such a great information tool!

Wish me luck on the rest of Phase 2! I’ll update again soon!

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Wellness Coaching Session #6

If you follow me on YouTube, you can see my new video! I'm offering a series of Wellness Coaching sessions to help you reach your goals. Now, you can see how Wellness Coaching might be able to help you - for free!

This week we talked about the personal values survey from last week's video. Did you think this was an easy or difficult exercise?

We also started taking action on how you can form new habits. You can find the habit-forming exercise here.

Next week, we'll be talking about creating your wellness vision. See you then!

Have a great week!

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Wellness Coaching Session #5

If you follow me on YouTube, you can see my new video! I'm offering a series of Wellness Coaching sessions to help you reach your goals. Now, you can see how Wellness Coaching might be able to help you - for free!

This week we talked about the strengths exercise from last week's video. What did you learn from your peers? Did you know some or all of the strengths they suggested?

We also discussed how your personal values can help you achieve your goals. You can measure your intrinsic and extrinsic personal values in this survey.

Next week, we'll be talking about creating new habits and shaking those habits you want to get rid of. See you then!

Have a great week!

Monday, November 2, 2015

Jamie Eason's LiveFit Trainer - Phase 1 Completed!

I've been reading about Jamie Eason's LiveFit Trainer for quite some time now. It's always been one of those workouts that I thought I would do when I "had time" or wasn't training for something else like a road race.

Most of the time I write my own workout plans because I've been lifting for 10 years now and I've learned to put together workouts. Plus, I know the lifts that I like, that work for me and the equipment I have to work with at my gym.

But, my bike is stored for the winter, race season is over for me and I needed a refreshed lifting workout. It was time! I just finished Phase 1 and I started Phase 2 today! Here's my assessment so far:
What I did according to plan:
  • The workouts themselves. I did every exercise prescribed except for a few that I just didn't have the equipment. For those, I substituted easily.
  • The order of the workouts each week.
  • The number of workouts per week. The first two weeks require 4 workouts and the second two weeks 5 workouts.
What I deviated from:
  • The days I did the workouts. The plan asks that you do all 4 or 5 workouts in a row. Some weeks that just didn't pan out for me and I had to swap one of my weekend rest days.
  • The diet. For the most part, I'm already eating as the diet calls for. I track calories and macros every day and stick to that as close as possible. That said, I always give myself a free meal every week, which she doesn't. I cut down alcohol significantly, but not 100%.
  • She asks you not to do cardio for the first phase. I didn't do any cardio in the gym, but I usually walk 10K steps per day and I stand at my desk all day long. I also biked and hiked for recreation. I can't help it! :) But, really I did more NEAT than cardio.
What I liked:
  • The workouts themselves are great and easy to follow. And, did I mention FREE?!?! I tend to write full body workouts for myself. It was nice to concentrate on one or two areas per workout for a change.
  • In the first 4 weeks I lost 3 pounds and I feel stronger. I notice a difference working my muscles differently.
What I don't like:
  • No supersets. I'm not much for resting in between sets. I always like to superset two exercises, so I created my own supersets within her workouts.
  • When people hog the bench and I need it :) But, that is an issue beyond this workout plan.
Honestly, I really like this workout. I'm a bit challenged with keeping up 5-6 days a week, but I will make the time to do it!