Monday, August 24, 2009

I love it when you can change a man's mind...

I have been a sushi-lover for quite a while. You can't beat the health benefits! It's a filling, low-calorie meal that's high in protein, healthy fats and even has a bit of veggies.

Needless to say, if you like to go out to eat, it's a great option versus a bar and grill (our usual choice). But, turning my husband onto sushi has been quite difficult. He's very particular about fish in general, so raw fish is just that much worse. ("Is this salmon?" "It smells fishy." "Is this fresh fish?" "Are those scales?" "I think this will taste fishy.")

You get the picture. But, I've slowly turned him onto a few good sushi restaurants over the last couple of years, being sure to order him the "safe" sushi (read: no eel) and he has finally converted!

If you are new to sushi, here is a great reference. Most options are great, but as this article states, beware of those labeled "spicy" or "philly". These contain mayo or cream cheese, which adds extra fat you don't need. (Mind Over Mayo, remember?) Also, anything tempura means fried in oil! Stay away and opt for a California Roll!

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